Watch a replay of The Soul of Equinox online class hosted by Emily Trinkaus, Astrologer, and Rita Roberts, Intuitive Artist. Learn about the energies of the Spring Equinox from an astrological perspective and observe the unfolding and creation of this Soul Circle.
For a limited time you may order your own 12″ x 16″ print of the Soul of Equinox Soul Circle.
Watch a replay of The 2023 Summer Soulstice online class hosted by Emily Trinkaus, Astrologer, and Rita Roberts, Intuitive Artist. Click the image below to view the video and download the pdf reading to learn about the energies of the Summer Solstice Circle from Rita’s perspective. Watch and observe the unfolding and creation of this Soul Circle. (Click the image below!)
Handouts (when you click the link, the PDF will automagically download):